10 mar 2007

Welcome. Mi casa es su casa.

Hola a todos. Me siento bien porque ahora podrán estar más en contacto conmigo a través de esta página blog que estoy armando.

I hope you like it. I'd wish I were able to gather all my friends and relatives and all those things that miss so much, but I can't, so I decided to have my own blog.

Keep in touch. Take care. Los quiero mucho a todas y todos.

2 comentarios:

Nannie dijo...

Welcome to the blog world, Raul! :)

Unknown dijo...

hola raul, greetings from texas...
even though your myspace has a blog and you should have just used that one...
hope to see words of wisdom on here okay? but make sure you use ENGLISH TOO!!!!!!
make sure you call me sometimes...